Pros And Cons Of Baby Sleeping On Stomach Review

Pros And Cons Of Baby Sleeping On Stomach

Before diving into the Pros and Cons of a Baby Sleeping on the Stomach, it’s important to understand the whats and hows. As a new parent, seeing your baby resting on its stomach may cause you stress. You may have already asked your neighbors, parents, and elders about this. Being a first-time parent might be confusing due to contradicting advice.

Babies may sleep on their bellies when they are born. This is the finest option for them! However, as babies grow older, you should make sure they move to sleep on their back or side. Their spine will not bend as much this way, and the baby’s head will be in a better position.

Babies sleep for more extended periods than adults. Because newborns spend so much time in deep sleep during the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) period, this is the case. These episodes are known as active sleep, and they occur one after the other, giving the impression that the infant is not sleeping much.

Pros of Baby Sleeping on Stomach

This is an unusual safe posture, although it has been advised by certain doctors. Sleeping on their stomach can strengthen the neck, back, and stomach muscles. Tummy time is usually promoted when the infant is
awake. If you want a clear picture, consider these advantages of sleeping your infant on your stomach.

1. One of the most common benefits of a baby sleeping on their stomach is improved digestion:

If babies are not sleeping on their stomachs, they may require some digestive aid. Air can build up in the stomach and intestines when more of the body is supported, such as when newborns sleep on their backs. This is known as acid reflux, and it occurs when food is not properly digested and is “thrown” back up. Because newborns often have no option but to sleep on their backs for safety reasons, it’s better to leave them alone so they don’t suffocate.

2. More breathing space for air to flow through:

Because newborns sleep with their mouths wide open and tongues out, more air can travel through, making it simpler for them to breathe! When lying on one’s back or side, the air may be forced down into the stomach or lungs since there is less area for it to travel.

3. Protecting the Back of the Head:

Babies put pressure on their backs rather than the backs of their heads when lying on their stomachs. The position of the back of the head is ideal. Because newborns lack control over their neck muscles, they commonly sleep on their backs with their necks straight. This can create respiratory and digestive issues, which will be described further down.

4. Stomach sleeping might help you gain weight faster:

Because growing kids require adequate food to effectively grow and develop their bodies, weight growth has been related to improved sleep. This, however, is not always the case. Since suffocation is a concern, it appears that keeping your baby awake during tummy time and off its back or side when sleeping is the best option.

5. Fewer Hiccups = More Stomach Space:

Hiccups in the esophagus are caused by irritation caused by ingesting too much gas. Hiccups are not always uncomfortable, but they can be a concern for newborns who have digestive issues or suffer from acid reflux.

Because sleeping on the stomach enables more air to move through, the esophagus is less likely to be irritated, therefore hiccups should be less frequent following the switch.

Cons of Baby Sleeping on Stomach

There are various reasons why parents should ensure that their children transition from sleeping on their stomachs to sleeping on their backs or sides as they grow older. Now let’s look at the disadvantages of a baby sleeping on their stomach.

1. Cons of baby sleeping on stomach, suffocation risks are very low:

Even when newborns sleep on their backs, suffocation is a possibility, so it’s best to keep an eye on them at all times in case they turn over onto their stomachs by accident. You should also keep an eye on how your baby sleeps for indications of acid reflux, which can cause them to wake up choking and suffocating.

2. The dangers of “Pillow Tummy”:

Too many pillows beside your infant as he sleeps might restrict his airways, which is harmful. You may simply demonstrate this concept by putting a pillow over your face and taking deep breaths in and out. When the pillow covers your mouth, it becomes more difficult to breathe. When newborns sleep on their backs or sides, nothing blocks their airways, therefore this won’t happen.

3. It’s more difficult to keep track of your breathing:

It is simpler to watch your baby’s breathing if you place him on his back or side rather than his stomach. This is because you can watch his chest rise and fall when he inhales and exhales, rather than merely seeing movement beneath the blankets or on his back if he’s on his stomach.

4. Suffocation is more likely in children:

If babies turn over onto their stomachs while sleeping, they may suffocate. Even adults can suffocate if they turn onto their fronts while sleeping. This is known as positional asphyxiation.

Because the chest and lungs are compressed when you roll over onto your back, you risk ceasing breathing. This can be a problem because newborns are less aware of their bodies when sleeping than adults.

5. Face of a child in incorrect position:

When newborns sleep on their stomachs, their faces may mistakenly be pressed against the mattress. If this happens frequently enough, they may suffocate since not enough air can travel through. Even with cushions or blankets at his head, make sure your baby’s face is visible so he doesn’t suffocate.

Baby Sleeping on Tummy – Is It Safe?


Babies should not sleep on their stomachs because several things can go wrong. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t let your child sleep on his back or side as he gets older; simply wait until you see the indicators
indicated in this article to ensure he receives enough sleep to eat and grow correctly.

Frequently Asked Questions About Baby Sleeping on Stomach

1. When can newborns safely sleep on their stomachs?

Even though they will be able to roll over both ways spontaneously at six months old, the American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) recommends that you continue to put your Until the age of one year, the infant should sleep on their back. After this happens, it’s usually fine to let your infant sleep in this position.

2. Why are newborns more comfortable sleeping on their stomachs?

To lessen the risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI), such as SIDS and deadly sleeping accidents, newborns should sleep on their backs. However, many newborns dislike resting on their backs, so they spend much of their waking time on their stomachs.

3. Why is it that my baby prefers to sleep on her stomach?

Many newborns fall asleep on their stomachs during their awake time, and many of these babies also sleep well on their tummies at naptime. This is especially true for newborns who are more aware and energetic (e.g., eager to play), as keeping a baby engaged when he has just woken up is difficult.

4. Is it safe for newborns to sleep on their stomachs?

Back-sleeping is the safest sleeping position for a newborn in the first year of life. Stomach sleeping is a dangerous sleeping position since it has been related to an increased risk of SIDS.